BOISE, Idaho Idaho is growing at a faster rate than any other state in the country and has been for half a decade. Seventy-eight percent of respondents said Treasure Valley is growing too fast, 16% said they were right, and nearly 2% said it was too slow. The percentage of Californians moving to Idaho has increased by 10% in the last five to ten years, as CEO of the Boise Valley Economic Partnership, Clark Krause understands. The Idaho Department of Labor estimates that Idaho will house more than two million people by 2031.
Is idaho growing too fast?
BOISE, Idaho Idaho is growing at a faster rate than any other state in the country and has been for half a decade. Seventy-eight percent of respondents said Treasure Valley is growing too fast, 16% said they were right, and nearly 2% said it was too slow.
Kathy Crosslin19-06-20220 minutes read
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